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Human Factors Engineering

Topic outline

  • Minggu ke-1: Pengenalan Human Factors Engineering

    Capaian Pembelajaran:
    1. Anda mampu menjelaskan istilah-istilah dan cakupan dari Human Factors Engineering

    2. Anda mampu mengidentifikasi berbagai kemampuan dan keterbatasan manusia

    3. Anda mampu menjelaskan konsep ENASE (Efisien, Nyaman, Aman, Sehat, dan Efektif)

    4. Anda mampu mengidentifikasi bidang dan disiplin ilmu yang terkait dengan HFE sebagai sistem terintegrasi socio-technical system
  • Minggu ke-2: Kerja Otot dan Biomekanika

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    • Anda mampu mendeskripsikan prinsip kerja otot (You are able to describe the working principle of muscles)

    • Anda mempu menjelaskan perbedaan kerja statis dan dinamis (You are able to explain the difference between static and dynamic work)

    • Anda mampu menghitung Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) dan Lifting Index (LI) menggunakan standar NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)(You are able to calculate the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and the Lifting Index (LI) using the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) standards)

    • Anda mampu mengevaluasi hasil RWL dan LI serta merumuskan usulan perbaikan postur dan beban kerja operator (You are able to evaluate the results of RWL and LI and formulate the improvement of operator posture and workload)

    Not available unless: The activity Quiz - Pengenalan Human Factors Engineering is complete and passed
  • Minggu ke-3: Anthropometry


    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    • Anda mampu menjelaskan pilihan desain ekstrim, rata-rata, dan adjustable (You are able to describe the extreme, average, and adjustable design options)

    • Anda mampu mengevaluasi desain eksisting dan mendesain ulang produk atau tempat kerja berdasar data antropometri populasi tertentu (You are able to evaluate the existing designs and to redesign the products or workplaces based on the anthropometric data on specific populations)

    • Anda mampu memahami pentingnya antropometri untuk populasi khusus (You are able to understand the importance of anthropometry for specific populations)

    Not available unless: The activity Quiz - Kerja Otot dan Biomekanika is complete and passed
  • Minggu ke-4: Human Information Processing

    Human Information Processing

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    • Anda mampu mendemonstrasikan langkah-langkah sistem kerja pikiran manusia (You are able to demonstrate the steps of the working system of the human mind)

    • Anda mampu membedakan short-term dan long-term memory (You are able to distinguish the short-term and long-term memory)

    • Anda mampu mengenal ragam interference dalam human information processing (You are able to recognise the various interference in human information processing)

    Not available unless: The activity Quiz - Anthropometry is complete and passed
  • Minggu ke-5: Mekanisme Display & Control

    Mekanisme Display & Control

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    • Anda mampu mendemonstrasikan sistem manusia mesin tertutup (closed-loop human-machine system) terkait dengan interaksi display & control (You are able to demonstrate a closed-loop human-machine system related to the display & control interactions)

    • Anda mampu mengenal stereotip display & control yang dikenal masyarakat umum (You are able to understand the display & control stereotypes that are known to the general public)

    • Anda mampu mengevaluasi closed-loop human-machine system kondisi eksisting  dengan berorientasi pada kaidah ENASE (You are able to evaluate the existing closed-loop human-machine systems in accordance with the ENASE principle)

    Not available unless: The activity Quiz - Human Information Processing is complete and passed
  • Minggu ke-6: Human Error & Occupational Safety

    Human Error & Occupational Safety

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    • Anda mampu menjelaskan jenis kelelahan dan kebosanan (You are able to describe the types of fatigue and boredom)

    • Anda mampu menjelaskan hubungan antara human error & accident (You are able to explain the relationship between human error & accident)

    • Anda mampu mengenal standar-standar terkait occupational safety & health (You are able to recognise the standards related occupational safety & health)

    Not available unless: The activity Quiz - Mekanisme Display & Control is complete and passed
  • Certificate of Completion

    Not available unless: The activity Quiz - Human Error & Occupational Safety is complete and passed